Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

Musle Man & Flexopolis

I just opened a new gym called Musle Man & Flexopolis.  Here are some pictures of the hallway to the locker room.  Witness the perfect body parts throbbing from the walls.  All the walls in my mansion are designed this way, and it is only fitting that my gym has them too.
1. You enter the hall looking left...
2. Then you look right...
 3. Is this for real?  Are these breasts and asses coming out of the wall?
 4. Yes, they are breasts and asses...
5. Who knew a breast could look so good alone...
6. There's only one final thing I want to see before hitting the locker room.  A poster at the end of the hall to get me motivated to get my pump on...
Yes!!!  I'm ready to go.  Do you want to be a member of Musle Man & Flexopolis?

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