Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

Blow-Up Pt. 2

My brother (from another mother) Champion told me he happend to be an extra on a TV show the other day. I tuned in knowing this would be one of the few times he'd be on TV in a non-sporting capacity (like his big bro), and I found something amazing when I blew up the image. Although the show was about some stupid and sexy cops who solve a murder, there was a murder taking place in real life in the audience.

Here is Champion:

Now we "blow up":

An eccentric French woman just arrived and we made love and ran playfully through the studio before I had a chance to "blow up" again:

See the guy with the beard - there is a disturbance in the frame right below his shoulder. I wonder what will happen if I "blow up" again?

OK, something is about to happen. BLOW UP!
Yes! It's a murder! That's what I call a blow up!  Watch Hawaii-5-0 on Mondays to see more blow jobs.

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