Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011


Earlier today, my village treated me to an exhibition of their favorite sport "congklak kaki", a game that I could only describe as some cross between soccer and mancala, where liberal amounts of bones and beads are kicked about every which way. I never could figure out what was happening, that is, until halftime. When the teams sat down on their respective sides of the field for some fluids and strategy, the halftime dancers appeared to do their dance and throw t-shirts to me and everyone else on the stools and benches around the field.

What a show! The girls showed up, wearing traditional tribal gear - feathers, hides, bones, leaves, etc. - and busted down to "My Humps" playing from a boombox.

It just goes to show that humans around the world are truly, essentially the same. Here are some pictures from the halftime show during the NBL semifinals in Surabaya, from earlier this week:
Going crazy!

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