Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

Running with the Champion

Champion Drake, my oldest friend, has come to my village to enjoy the delicious foods and pleasures of the flesh that are offered by my people. I was especially eager to take Champion for a long run along the thatch huts and the creek where the women bathe and frolic. Being that Champion is an Olympic distance runner, I wanted to see how I measured up with the best (quite good it turns out). As always, the village children did not let us leave without sending us off with a celebratory dance and then throughout the run we were heralded with calls, songs, and high-fives.

The high-fives . . .

Readers know that high-fives have long been an interest of mine, and I generally appreciate them as much as I appreciate competing with the best. But sometimes, as I have pointed out before, high-fives go wrong. It is important to be polite, respectful, careful (don't run out at my legs), and clean. 

I bring up this last point because it turned out that Champion was only able to run one day with me, because he got pink eye from one of the children who gave him a high-five. While I was enjoying my village's lustful pleasures, Champion was forced into isolation in my royal hut. It basically ruined his vacation.

Kids - if you have pink eye, don't give high-fives to people, especially if they are world-class athletes.
(Here are two buckets of sweet fruit drink, which is supposed to help with pink-eye.)

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